Simplero New Account Setup - Basics

Setup services include testing of all elements plus a final call to walk through everything that was done and answer any questions you may have.

BONUS: 1 hour of ad hoc assistance or troubleshooting after setup is complete

Main Account Setup:
  • Complete all basic settings*
  • Custom domain/subdomain DNS/email integration*
  • Integrate payment gateway(s) - Stripe, PayPal, etc.*
  • Integrate Google Analytics*
  • Setup basic global brand settings (colors & logos provided by you)
  • Setup legals (privacy policy, terms, product-specific agreements, etc. - all content provided by you)
  • Configure 1 primary email list
  • Create 1 email template design (colors, fonts & logos provided by you)
  • Create 1 global email signature block
  • Test all

*These elements require Admin rights or login credentials to your accounts or collaboration with you in real time.

Wrap Up:
  • Test all
  • Final wrap-up call - walk through everything that was done and answer any questions you may have.
  • BONUS: 1 hour of ad hoc assistance or troubleshooting after setup is complete.

Time Frame: 
  • Depends upon availability but usually completed within one week or less. Contact me to confirm availability before booking if you are on a tight timeline.

Want more than just the basics?

Click here for the Comprehensive Simplero setup service

Simplero Account Setup